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Beginner's Guide to Gardening

Garden has made itself one of the most helpful aspects of the game considering it allows for easy access to mega-snacks. With the new update coming to wizard101 soon, pet training is going to be more difficult so having a steady stream of mega-snacks will be more important than ever. This guide is from one beginner to another. I've only just begun to dip my toe into gardening but I'm already finding it incredibly helpful. I've watched numerous videos, asked numerous people for opinions, and observed numerous gardens to conclude, what I believe is, the best way to start gardening.

This being said, I'm by no means an expert (yet!), so feel free to comment any more tips or if you have any corrections.

Choosing Your Seeds

I have never seen to much variation in what people choose to garden. There are just certain plants that are high reward but low difficulty (not too many constant needs).

Couch Potatoes:

Personally, I garden with couch potatoes, which from what I have seen, appears to be the most common farming seed. The are a very common drop from Grizzleheim. This being said, they are crowns-item seed. Thus, they can't be bought in the Bazaar. Grizzleheim requires a membership, so if you don't have one, these may be more difficult to obtain. Upon a bit of research, the only free area I found where these can be dropped are by Sir Stephan BadApple (Tier 1 & Tier 5) in Grand Tourney Arena. If you find someone with this, you can farm it for free. However, if I missed any, comment below and I'll be sure to add it!

All drop locations can be found here.

Some things to note about these seeds are:

  • Require a large plot - you might need to get spells with larger radii to deal with the needs of many of these seeds

  • Rank 3+ - if you're not here already plant some boom-shrooms, dandelions, etc. to quickly level)

  • Challenge level: 6 - typically, at most, I have found there are about 3 needs at once (usually sun, water, and a rank 1 pest, however, I find that they wilt quite quickly)

King Parsley:

After speaking with various players, all of which listed couch potatoes as the best seed first, many said King Parsley was good too. The snacks they drop aren't incredible, but they drop rare reagents such as amber (please, however, note that the best seed to obtain amber from is white tiger lilies in elder harvest - it has been confirmed by Kingsisle) which can actually be used to craft spells. In addition, it can drop, like many other seeds with Ultra counter-parts, an Ultra version. For those who don't know, ultra seeds are seeds that have the same difficulty level as their regular seed but much better rewards. Ultra King Parley drops great mega snacks and those same rare reagents (I've planted them in the past).

All drop location are listed here.

Some things to note about these seeds are:

  • Require a medium plot

  • Rank 3+ - if you're not here already plant some boom-shrooms, dandelions, etc. to quickly level

  • Challenge level: 6 - typically, at most, I have found there are about 3 needs at once (usually sun, music, and a rank 1 or 2 pest)

Gardening Layout + Location


There are actually a few castles that give bonuses to plants!

  • Red Barn Farm (12,500 crowns OR 125,000 gold)

  • Botanical Gardens ($39.99 USD, however not currently available, keep your eyes our for Bundle-paloozas or throw-back thursdays)

These give about a 15% boost (unsure about the exact number) to your plants if you decide to garden in them. They are definitely worth the effort of purchasing, I've never used the Botanical Gardens, but Red Barn Farm is definitely worth it because of the boost and loads of room for gardening! However, its not necessary to get started.


This is where things begin to get complicated. How you set up the garden is actually quite important to maximizing rewards and minimizing the amount of energy used.

There is a method called "stacking" where you basically create layers of garden on top of each other. Most do only 2 layers, however I've seen 3. With this being said, I've also heard people deal with glitches (like not accessing an entire layer of plants!) when working with 3 layers, so do so at your own risk.

The benefit of working in layers is that you can do bold magic, for example, (the radii is large enough to fit 4 large plots) and instead of effecting one layer of 4, it effects 2 layers of 4, thus using magic on 8 plots. It's a great method to do double the amount of gardening for the same amount of energy.

How does one stack? It's quite complicated and requires glitching some items. Below is a video depicting how to do the glitch.


Lastly, we are going to talk about energy, how to get a lot of it and use it best. Stacking your garden is already much more energy efficient. Additionally, I always find myself using mental math to calculate the most energy efficient way garden.

I'd spend a large amount of time discussing energy gear (to increase the maximum amount of energy you can hold) but it's not all that necessary when The Final Bastion has an incredible energy gear guide which you can find here.


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